FabScan PI Software Release

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A first version of the FabScan PI software is released now.  You can find further information at https://www.fabscan.org

Behind the link you will find a page which is a good starting point for the installation.  More about the new hardware and software is provided by the GitHub repository. 

I recommend to use the ISO SD-card image. Connect all needed hardware and flash the ISO to an SD-card. After the Raspberry Pi booted, you can point your browser to  https://<your-pi’s-ip-address> for calling the FabScan PI web fronted. Chrome and Firefox recommended now, there are some issues with Safari at the moment .  I will fix the Browser issues as soon as possible.

Have fun!

Proof of concept 3D Scanner with Kinect and Raspberry Pi2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I am working on a proof of concept standalone mobile 3D Scanner. Hopefully it will be possible to use a Raspberry Pi2 for this project. I have already posted a video on youtube. And some people asked for short instructions on how to run the Kinect on the Raspberry Pi2. And here it comes….

First i printed and modified a Kinect handle i found at Thingiverse. I remixed this handle and added a Raspberry Pi2 and a display mount to it.  You can find the files at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:698577
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FabScan Ubuntu Live DVD mit Powercrust Support

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Die Arbeiten an ein einer neuen FabScan Ubuntu Live DVD sind abgeschlossen. Aus der CD ist eine DVD geworden, da noch eine ganze Menge Tools hinzugekommen sind. Es ist nun zum Beispiel möglich die gescannten Objekte nachzubearbeiten. Außerdem bringt die neue DVD noch andere nützliche „Maker“ Tools mit.
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