Just created a short 3 min Video which illustrates the Software development of the FabScan Project during the last 3 years. The video was created by using an amazing tool called Gource.
Just created a short 3 min Video which illustrates the Software development of the FabScan Project during the last 3 years. The video was created by using an amazing tool called Gource.
Seit gut 10 Jahren gibt es in Aachen nun das Maker Meetup (ehemals Dorkbot). In all diesen Jahren wurde das Treffen durch die Besuche unterschiedlichster Gäste bereichert. Um dies zu feiern fand am 17.07.2019 das Jubiläums Treffen an.
Weiterlesen…This article will describe why i created a new software called HydraPlay. HydraPlay is a user interface for a multiroom audio setup which consists of Raspberry Pis, Mopidy instances, Pulseaudio and Snapcast.
Weiterlesen…It is hard to get VisualSFM running on a current MacOS. But this short article shows how to use VisualSFM on MacOS by running a Docker container. I am running it on a MacBook Pro 2018, without Nvidia chipset. That is the reason why the following instructions show how to use VisualSFM with CPU (SIFT) support. Don’t worry it will run with an acceptable speed for photogrammetry.
Weiterlesen…Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn den letzten Monaten hatte ich mal wieder einiges zu tun. Vor allem aber musste die neue Software für den FabScan 3D Scanner fertig werden. Dazwischen lagen unzählige Events wie Maker Faires etc. Ich bin also nicht vorher dazu gekommen über meine Tätigkeit als Buchautor zu schreiben. Mehr…
Reading Time: < 1 minuteLast week Dremel released a new episode of their Youtube show „Hammertime“. In this episode they built a FabScan Pi during they printed something on the Dremel 3D printer.